Increased Immigrant Workforce Entrance Linked to Community Collaborative Impact Experiences

Organization: New Immigrant Welcome Center


Looking to offer: 360-degree services to their target population in the local community and to coordinate with and refer to other agencies in order help the new immigrant population.


Results: A new immigrant welcome center and its operations would revolve around the functionality of ContinuumPro,one of the core CommunityPro Suite applications, as an adjunct to their existing IT system. With ContinuumPro,  common intake forms are streamlined to facilitate “No Wrong Doors” access to all community services. Through the use of ContinuumPro, the corresponding agencies create a catalog all services and classes offered within their community. The result: reduced need for duplicate services and a highly-trackable recommendation and referral system for participating community organizations.


The Objective: The initial objective of a new immigrant welcome center would be to provide a robust suite of services and classes to the new immigrants within their community. Often representing a population of ELS students and individuals requiring wrap around services in addition to adult basic education services to increase English literacy, an immigration center requires true collaboration with other services within the community.


The Approach: A new immigration welcome center is encouraged to approach the LP Systems team for their advice and recognized best-practices about how to integrate such a vast community of agencies into a single solution. LP Systems would recommend the combined use of ContinuumPro, VaultPro, DataPro, ReportPro. These complementary services, all designed to work with and enhance one another, were just what a new immigration welcome center needed.


The Benefits: By implementing these tools together, a immigration welcome center is able to successfully collaborate and share information safely and easily with other organizations in the community that offer complementary and wrap around services.


Collaboration: It is easy to lose track of a client when there is no centralized database of their history, goals, and programs attended. LP Systems provides a way for a new immigration welcome center to share pertinent information with other users in different agencies while controlling access levels to adhere to proper protocol.


Increased Program Efficiency: A new immigration center, and other organizations utilizing the ContinuumPro tools, should see a decrease in the resources spent on overlapping services and courses. They should also experience an increased flow of immigrants through services by providing reliable referrals and recommendations. Because each client is tracked within ContinuumPro software, a new immigration welcome center is able to fully utilize grant funding and receive residual income from services the clients have used.


Accountability and Client Follow-Through: Because clients remain within the LP System software, a new immigration welcome center should be able to hold other agencies and organizations accountable for the client’s success. As a result, an increased proportion of immigrants should be able to enter the workforce, impacting the entire community.


Accurate Tracking and Reporting: Local, State, and Federal grants require more reporting each year. The LP System software updates alongside these mandates to ensure the new immigrant welcome center fulfilled grant and funding procedures.